Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall is Here

Loofah plant

Birdhhouse goards

(Double Bubble) goard *
Loofah plants
Drying peppers
Elaeagnus aka 'Silverleaf' or 'Ugly Agnes'
Tiny white flowers
It has a sweet aroma
Turnip green garden for fall
I'm glad that Donny planted some turnip greens for a fall garden. We love eating greens so our little garden will be a pleasant addition to our food supply.

I have been drying peppers in my dehydrator. After they dry I put them in a bag until I get enough to crush in my food processor. We use the red peppers on our spaghetti and in chili and soups. This year I am drying red bell peppers and going to mix it with the cayanne and banana peppers. 

I wanted to show off our Elaeagnus bush. When you flip the leaves over it is silver underneath. Tiny flowers are all over the bush. The smell is heavenly.

* I made that up


1 comment:

  1. Oh to live in the sunny south and have all those wonderful plants.


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