Monday, September 14, 2015


It's fall around here, people. Summer's slipping away. I'm glad Donny and I got to take a vacation before the weather turned cooler. We took a road trip to Panama City Beach. Our friend, Joann, went with us. We shared a condominium on the twenty second floor. I had vertigo until I got used to looking down. It was worth it though because we had a spectacular view.

We haven't been on vacation for about ten years. It was perfect. The weather was warm but not scorching hot and there were a few tourists but not enough to overcrowd you.

We saw sea turtles swimming in a line near the shore one day and Joann swore there were whales in the ocean. Huge dark shadows floated underneath the water. We could see for miles. 

The earth really does curve when you can see the horizon but the most awesome optical illusion was looking at the sea and getting the impression that the water rose above the land and was as high at the balcony. I think I spent a large part of vacation imagining disasters. Jaws, tsunami, Cast Away. You get the drift.

The last time we went to Panama City the boys were little and we went during a hurricane. I didn't want to do like we did before and turn around and drive back home. Although the weather channels were predicting a storm we lucked out and it was partially cloudy but otherwise mostly clear weather. I thought vacation was perfect.

We went to Captain Jack's for an all you can eat seafood buffet one night. Joann hates seafood but she was a good sport and came with us. Donny and I scarfed down crab legs and shrimp until we nearly burst. Well, I did, anyway. I love crab legs but I wonder who looked at those ugly creatures and thought "Hey, I bet those would taste great steamed and dipped in garlic and butter." Thumbs up, to them. Joann dared me not to squirt her with crab juice. She didn't want to smell like a fish. She cracks me up.

When we came back home, Donny had an appointment to see one of his heart doctor's. They checked Donny's defibrillator and said he was doing great. I am so proud of Donny. He is amazing for a man who had a quadruple bypass. He deserved a vacation. Bless his heart.

Butch, Katy, Kim, Susan, Carol, Larry, Corbin, Gail, Melissa, Melody, Erin, Emily, Debbie, and Jesse

Resaca Rose

Gary McNamer, Robert Burchfield, Jack Rat

Labor Day, Rosh Hashanah, Autumn

PBS 9-14-15 Monday 10:15 pm EDT

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